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Die U17-WM in Trinidad und Tobago

Es gibt sie noch, die andere, positive Welt jenseits der Tagesschau.

Unbemerkt von der deutschen Fussballöffentlichkeit findet derzeit die hochkarätig  besetzte U17 Weltmeisterschaft in Trinidad/Tobago statt.

In toller und bemerkensert positiver Atmosphäre bieten einige Mannschaften hier spektakulären Offensivfussball mit technisch beschlagenen Talenten, während andere schon auf dieser Ebene ihre mannschaftlichen Tugenden dagegenwerfen, wie zum Beispiel die Australier.
Das einheimische Publikum strömt in die fünf zum grössten Teil neuen Stadien mit gut bespielbarem Untergrund und feuert begeistert alle guten Aktionen beider Mannschaften an. 
Wer auch immer die Idee hatte diese WM an dieses Land zu vergeben, es scheint eine der besten in der Geschichte des Jugendfussballs gewesen zu sein.

Immer im Blickpunkt in dieser Altersklasse sind die Afrikaner, hier vor allem die Westafrikaner, die auch die afrikanischen Wettbewerbe bei den Jugendlichen dominieren.
Neben Nigeria sind mit Burkina Faso und Mali zwei eigentlich weniger grosse Fussballkräfte am Start. Doch die beiden haben aufgrund ihrer Fussballschulen seit einigen Jahren auf dem Jugendsektor die Nase mit vorn, doch konnten sie bisher die Erfolge noch nicht durchschlagend in den Erwachsenenbereich übertragen.

Traditionell Favoriten sind natürlich die Brasilianer und die Argentinier und aus Europa die Spanier, sowie seit einiger Zeit auch die Franzosen.

Im ersten Highlight gleich zu Anfang besiegten die spektakulären Nigerianer eine kaum schlechtere französische Mannschaft mit 2:1 und qualifizierten sich mit einem 4:0 über Japan schnell fürs Viertelfinale..
Die Nigerianer überraschten damit, dass sie ihre Talente in sehr schnellem Spiel in eine gute Mannschaftsarbeit und Kombinationen einbrachten. In der gezeigten Form sind sie der Turnierfavorit.
Australien überzeugte als Mannschaft, schaltete Kroatien 4:0 aus, kassierte in den ersten drei Spielen nur ein gegentor, um dann Nigeria 1:5 zu unterliegen.
Brasilien wirkte eher bieder und schied gegen die glänzenden Franzosen aus.
Argentinien stand im Mittelpunkt mehrerer fussballerischer Knüller. Die Argentinier, individuell bzw. körperlich vielleicht etwas unterlegen, drehten mit ihrem intelligenten und immer latent gefährlichem Spiel die Thriller gegen Burkina Faso, Spanien und Mali noch um, und erreichten das Halbfinale.
Herausragende Spieler gab es wie immer viele, erste zu nennende sind Fernando Torres aus Spanien (Atletico Madrid), der seine Möglichkeiten eher nur andeutete, oder Florent Simina Pongolle aus Frankreich, der in den ersten vier Spielen 8 Tore schoss und bereits nach der Europameisterschaft zusammen mit Le Tellec von Le Havre nach Liverpool gewechselt ist.
Auch Abwehrspieler konnten trotz der vielen Tore mit individuellen Qualitäten beeindrucken. So erhielt beispielsweise der Argentinier Walter Garcia nach dem Viertelfinale den Man of the Match Award, obwohl Mali mindestens 10 Torchancen hatte.

Nach Kontinenten gesehen dominieren die Afrikaner und Südamerikaner diese Altersklasse, die Europäer können nur einigermassen mithalten. So qualifizierte sich 2001 nur Frankreich für das Viertelfinale.
1991-2001 Africa* Asia* Europe* South-America* Nth/Ctl/America* Oceania*
starters 18 17 18 18 18 7
qualified for quarter-finals 12 5 8 13 5 5
pct. 67% 29% 44% 72% 28% 71%
tendency solid solid or down?(too early to say) a little bit down solid solid or up? solid
(1991 the U17 World Championship replaced the former U16 World Championship)
*=each confederation hosted one tournament 

Die komplette Statistik, die bisherigen Ergebnisse, und Spielbeschreibungen gibts bei 
The Shot Live
wo die Ergebnisse auch regelmässig updgedated werden.
Donnerstag nacht Halbfinale. Sonntag spät abends Endpiel.

U17 World Cup
Group1 (Sep 14, 16, 19):
Trinidad and Tobago - Croatia  1:2
Australia - Brazil  0:1
Brazil left a strong impression but needed 75 minutes to break the resilience of the Aussies
Trinidad and Tobago - Australia  0:1
Croatia - Brazil  1:3
Croatia left a very good 1st half impression but were outscored in the second half by the Brazilians.
Brazil are qualified for the quarterfinals while Australia and Croatia will batlle out the second place in the direct encounter on Wednesday. The hosts are already without any chance to reach the quarter finals.
It has to be hoped that this will do no damage to the very good atmosphere of the competition.
Brazil - Trinidad/Tobago  6:1
In a match without impact on who would advance Brazil entertained the 26,000 crowd with some showtime. #7 scored three goals in which all of the 7 substitutes of the last match were in the starting line-up. (The squads for this U17 World Cup consist of 18 players each)
Croatia - Australia  0:4
Another strong match by the Aussies and a surprisingly clear result. After a balanced midflield duel the match suddenly slanted in favour of the Australians in the final 8 minutes before halftime when Australia scored twice.
1. Brazil 10:2 goals, 9 pts.
2. Australia 5:1 goals, 6 pts.
3. Croatia 2:7 goals, 3 pts.
4. Trinidad/Tobago 1:8 goals, 0 pts.
Group2  (Sep 14, 16, 19):
Nigeria - France 2:1
Impressing attacking football helped Nigeria to a 2:1 success over France in their first match of the U17 World Cup which has kicked of at Trinidad Tobago. Karimu Shaibu in first half and Victor Okechukwu Brown in second half scored the goals for the Africans before Pongolle scored the French goals 4 minutes from time.
Japan - USA 1:0
Nigeria - Japan 4:0
Nigeria qualified for quarter-finals and are now among the tournament favorites.
France - USA 5:3
Three goals scored by France #9 Pongolle. USA, who took a first half lead, but with the match drawn 2:2 at halftime, fell behind in the second half against aflamboyant French side. The Americans are already without any possibility left to advance. France and Japan will determine the second qualificant for the quarter-finals in the direct encounter on Sept 19th.
France - Japan 5:1
After 15 minutes the match was virtually over. France took a 3:0 lead and qualified easily against a Japanese side who tried to attack themselves but did not convert their chances. Florent Sinama Pongolle scored three goals in the second consecutive match.
Nigeria - USA 2:0
Nigeria already qualified and USA already out of it before the match. In contrary to Brazil Nigeria fielded the same line up as in the second match. Karimu Shaibu scored the first half goal. Moses Ayuba added a second half score and Nigeria had numerous further attempts.
1. Nigeria,  8:1 goals, 9 pts.
2. France, 11:6 goals, 6 pts.
3. Japan, 2:9 goals, 3 pts.
4. USA 3:8 goals, 0 pts.
Group3  (Sep 15, 17, 20):
Oman - Spain 1:2
An injury time goal helped the European favorites beat the outsiders late
Argentina - Burkina Faso 2:2
A controversial injury time penalty saved Argentina from a defeat against the strong West Africans
Burkina Faso - Spain 1:0
Burkina Faso will be one of the teams to beat in this U17 World Cup. After exploiting 4 points from matches against two of the tournament favorites they now face a critical match against Oman in which they have to avoid complacency. Quite often have African teams failed aginst Middle East outfits. 
Argentina - Oman 3:0
Oman had a good start but only for a few minutes. Argentina converted their first opportunity which seemed to throw the Arabians into some confusion even over who and how to execute corner and free kicks. Oman had more posession but Argentina was clearly more professional.
Burkina Faso - Oman 1:1
Burkina Faso were lucky to escape with a draw in a match in which Oman were growing stronger towards the end while Burkina Faso got more nervous. The West Africans game was too fragmented and bugged by inaccurate passing, considering the obvious indivdual skills. Oman had a better team coordination but still some conspicious players, especially goalscorer Al Hinai. For Burkina Faso left winger Madi was impressing. Something like a record number of attempts were made off target but considered that those are talents in a development process they were shooting in good moments and might hit more precisely in a few years.
Burkina Faso have qualified for quarter finals by this. It is already sure they finish as group second.
This result saves the group also from a possible 'agreement' match between Argentina and Spain.
(Because all teams stay at one venue the final group matches are not played simultaniously)
Argentina - Spain 4:2
After Burkina Faso has collected the necessary point to advance, Spain had to beat Argentina to advance in a direct encounter to determine the team to advance.
And in a brilliant first half, featuring a luminating Fernando Torres, a very far developed player for this age and a possible future star, Spain took a 2:1 lead and looked like they could shake off the Argentinians by their physical presence.
But after the prognosted future star on the other side Maximiliano Lopez had equalized, a Spanish player was sent off for his second yellow card and others had to hold back, already being booked. Argentina added two more in a huge game which saw a possible title candidate going home.
1. Argentina  9:4 goals, 7 pts.
2. Burkina Faso  4:3 goals, 5 pts.
3. Spain  4:6 goals, 3 pts.
4. Oman  2:6 goals, 3 pts.
Group 4  (Sep 15, 17, 20):
Mali - Paraguay  1:2
Paraguay won the match thanks to a penalty 4 minutes to the end
Iran - Costa Rica  0:2
Costa Rica is reported to have secured a comfortable win
Paraguay - Costa Rica  0:3
3 second half goals confirmed the excellent form that Costa Rican national teams have displayed on various levels this year. Costa Rica because of the good goal difference is quite close to the quarter finals but not safe yet: it is still possible three teams end up with 6 points. If they win, draw, or lose by less than three goals they will be through.
Mali - Iran  1:0
Pressing forced the decisive error which set up the first half goal that decided the encounter. In theory scenarios for both to advance are still possible (three teams could end upwith 6 points or three teams could end up with three points). Iran need to beat Paraguay in the last match and hope for Costa Rica to beat Mali. On the other hand Mali has to beat Costa Rica by three goals to be absolutely sur - or,  if scoring less, they will have to hope for a little help by Iran. 
Mali - Costa Rica  2:0
Mali, who needed to beat Costa Rica by three goals to pass by the Central Americans in the table were leading 2:0 already at halftime. But Costa Rica managed to contain the scoreline with the help of the crossbar and the goalpost and qualified for the quarter finals.
Mali now has to hope for some help by Iran who have been eliminated by this earlier result.
Paraguay - Iran   3:2
Paraguay needed to win by four goals to qualify for the quarter-finals and were on course after 66 minutes, leading 3:0. But after being saved by the goalpost, Iran scored their first goals of the tournament in the final 10 minutes through #11 Mansour Ahmadzadeh and frustrated the South Americans who now have to travel home despite having gained six points. #10 Andres Perez had scored twice for them. Like the Under20 outfit earlier this year, Iran has to return home without a point.
1. Costa Rica  5:2 goals, 6 pts.
2. Mali  4:2 goals 6 pts.
3. Paraguay  5:6 goals, 6 pts.
4. Iran 2:6 goals, 0 pts.

quarter finals:
Nigeria - Australia 5:1
Outstanding Australian goalkeeper Nathan Coe had only conceded one goal in three matches and it was him who denied the flamboyant Nigerians a score in the first 25 minutes. The Australian compactness could not stop the Africans and eventually a penalty beat the Australian Number 1 for the Nigerian lead.
But after the goal the picture suddenly changed. The Australians proved great attacking skills and worked out one chance after the other what gave the Nigerian goalkeeper Akpan Bassey opportunities to prove his quality, too.
Towards the end of the half the momentum shifted back in favour of Nigeria who at times displayed an almost perfect combination of individual skills and cooperative approach when in ball possession. Remarkable the usage of the width of the field in the build up of their attempts.
The second half saw a loss of precision in the Nigerian game. Substitute Victor Brown entertained the Australian defence on some occasions but all in all Nigeria played more drawn back, preventing from successful Australian attacks. So for 25 minutes only half chances culd be seen on either side until Victor Brown drew several defenders by his solorun and side passed to the now unmarked #11 Femi Opabunmi who scored his second goal.
Australia had their first real second half chance then, following a defenders slip, but the shot rolled wide. 
A fine drawing board attack was finished through Femi Opabunmi by a header for his third goal in the 81st minute and decided the match before captain Suleiman Mohammed added a fourth spectacular goal by a solorun and a sharp shot into the corner.
The Australian resistance had broken and Nigeria added another in style in the 85th when #16 Temile shot a cross directly under the bar from 15 meters.
The Nigerian keeper missed a cross then to allow Australia a consolation goal by a header (88th).
Brazil - France  1:2
Despite the fact that France had conceded 6 goals in the group matchjes, Brazil stuck to their controlled and careful approach of unspectacular football of their fiirst two matches.
This proved to be no good idea because neither did Brazil threaten the French goal much nor could the Brazilian defence entirely contain the spectacular Le Havre and future Liverpool duo Le Tellec and Semina Pingolle. And it were those two, Florent Simana Pingolle with his 8th goal and Le Tellec, who provided for the 2:0 halftime lead within a few minutes late in the first half.
Before and after the intermission the frustrated Brazilians made some nasty looking late challenges. It took until the 57th minute before Brazils idea of long through ball counter-attacking exposed a first big hole in the French defence but Bruno missed the goal close. A similar situattion led to Alberonis 1:2 after 70 minutes. France became nervous but until the last minutes Brazil stuck to their gameplan and had only a big opportunity through Anderson after 86 minutes, again a counter situation.
The remaining time provided total excitement for the crowd. Now Brazil pressured and immediately chaos ruled the French defence. Huge opportunities on both sides as Brazil now had exposed their defence to the French counters.
But somehow no team scored and France advanced to the semis.
Costa Rica - Burkina Faso  0:2
In front of an again very positive and enjoying crowd a match of much less quality than the encounter before.
(matches are played as doubleheaders - two games in succession in the same stadium) Disappointing Costa Ricans hardly came close to the Burkinabé penalty area. On the other side the relatively unsinspied Africans improved from their last match but despite two thirds possession did not work out any clearcut chances.
Nevertheless it was a success of the Costa Rican tactics, which allowed no spaces for the Africans to penetrate into on the expense of an abandoned own attacking approach. The Burkina Faso individuals like Madi who had impressed in the match(es) before had no impact.
But somebody had to have an opportunity sooner or later and it more or less could only be Burkina Faso who scored after 55 minutes. 
A rather bad clearance by the Costa Rican defence rolled to the feet of #17 Landry who was unmarked at the edge of the penalty area and slotted the ball home. - 0:1
It took until 15 minutes before the end until Costa Rica gave up their strategy and started to attack. The game now broke open. #11 Wilfried Sanou then scored the second Burkinabé goal in the 84th minute.
Only in the 89th minute Costa Rica came really close to scoring but was denied twice by the Burkinabé keeper.
A fair game without any yellow cards. 
Burkina Faso will now play heavy favorites Nigeria in the semis on Thursday.
(An opportunity to recall that of Burkina Faso and Mali only one team would have been here if Guinea had not been disqualified by FIFA from all competitions because of government inteference with FA affairs at the very time the African U17 Championship had taken place. Burkina Faso then had slipped into the African final as replacement for Guinea against whom the team just had lost in the semi-finals. In the final they clearly went down to that Nigerian team 0:3).
Argentina - Mali  2:1 after golden goal extra-time
Excitement that you can get only (?) in such a tournament when great talents meet the weak spots in unperfect defences. 
Mali taking apart the Argentinian defence and Argentina expoiting the Malian offside trap - it could have been 3:3 early. But talents are no machines.
After 30 minutes Argentinian big hope Maximiliano Lopez cleverly crossed the path of a defender and got a foul on him for a penalty. He send the keeper into the wrong corner but only hit the goalpost. 
Mali enthusiastically answered with a handful of attacks and a fine goal when #17 Drissa Diarra was played free to score by a header after 34 minutes - 0:1.
Diarra is under contract at Lecce (Italy), the only notz homebased player of the Africans.
Mali, unconcentrated, allowed Argentina to equualize only 4 minutes later from a set play: a free kick cross from the right found the unmarked #4 Rodriguez to head into the goal easily. - 1:1
One of the most conspicious Malian players #7 Lassana Diallo was lucky to get away with yellow for what looked like a retaliation and Argentina had the better of the rest of the half.
Around the 60th minute Mali created several chances, featuring the already mentioned Diarra and Diallo. Despite that domination Argentina always seemed capable to become dangerous themselves again at some moment. And Mali started to look a little tired in the course of the second half, losing one to one challenges they had won before. #7 Diallo, obviously exhausted, committed a holding far away of the own goal and received a harsh second yellow card to leave the pitch in tears.
Now Argentina dictated the pace and worked out opportunities. Lopez was well contained by the Malian defence but the Argentinian pressure mounted as Mali played more and more drawn back.
Mali only with few counters had a good looking free kick opportunity in injury time which they executed terribly like many corners before.
In the extra-time necessary Argentina scored the golden goal when the Malian keeper had left his goal in bad timing and a cross from the wing where he had run out to was sent into a crowd before the empty goal. The ball bounced back to substitute #11 Fanari who fired it under the roof of the goal from about 10 meters distance - 2:1

Sep 27
France - Argentina 2030 GMT
Nigeria - Burkina Faso  2330 GMT
2001 Africa Asia Europe South-America Nth/Ctl/America* Oceania
starters 3 3 3 3 3 1
qualified for quarter-finals 3 - 1 2 1 1
*=hosting confederation
don't take this stats too seriously - the decisions in group C and D have been too close to read too much tendency into the records. The Asians, who weren't too far behind in  suffered a disappointment, maybe a sign of growing professionalism in the education of young players in the rest of the world, maybe only an accident.
Oman, a youth football power since years ago, had reached semi-finals in 95 and quarter-finals in 97. Qatar had reached semi-finals in 91 and quarter-finals in 99, Japan had reached quarter-finals in 93.
1999 Africa Asia Europe South-America Nth/Ctl/America Oceania*
starters 3 2 3 3 3 2
qualified for quarter-finals 1 1 - 3 2 1
*=hosting confederation
1997 Africa* Asia Europe South-America Nth/Ctl/America Oceania
starters 3 3 3 3 3 1
qualified for quarter-finals 3 1 2 2 - -
*=hosting confederation
1995 Africa Asia Europe South-America* Nth/Ctl/America Oceania
starters 3 3 3 3 3 1
qualified for quarter-finals 2 1 1 3 - 1
*=hosting confederation
1993 Africa Asia* Europe South-America Nth/Ctl/America Oceania
starters 3 3 3 3 3 1
qualified for quarter-finals 2 1 2 1 1 1
*=hosting confederation
1991 Africa Asia Europe* South-America Nth/Ctl/America Oceania
starters 3 3 3 3 3 1
qualified for quarter-finals 1 1 2 2 1 1
*=hosting confederation
1991-2001 Africa* Asia* Europe* South-America* Nth/Ctl/America* Oceania*
starters 18 17 18 18 18 7
qualified for quarter-finals 12 5 8 13 5 5
pct. 67% 29% 44% 72% 28% 71%
tendency solid solid or down?(too early to say) a little bit down solid solid or up? solid**
(1991 the U17 World Championship replaced the former U16 World Championship)
*=each confederation hosted one tournament 
**A good example that you cannot directly attach such percentages to the strength of the Confederations, because they have different structures:
Australia qualified for quarter finals each time when at start, New Zealand, the only other team, never, not even as hosts.
On the other hand European and African associations cannot gather experiences - because of the huge number of strong teams there are new faces each tournament

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